Autumn, a magical season in the Alpes Mancelles

Orange, the predominant autumn colour

Alpes Mancelles fireplace

Nature is decked out in beautiful colours. The first wood fires and seasonal vegetables invade our plates.

Imagine sitting by the fireplace with a book in your hand and a pan full of chestnuts and the soothing scent of a pot filled with a delicious, freshly-roasted, freshly-prepared a good squash, pumpkin or butternut soup.

Imagine yourself explore the trails from Haut Fourché the Valley of Misery lined with trees in warm colours ranging from red to yellow, creating a vivid tableau that's almost the envy of Canadians!

The walks become magical and nature prepares for the arrival of winter. Leaves litter the ground and squirrels gather their provisions. It's the hazelnut and walnut hunting. Sometimes luck smiles on us migratory birds come and say goodbye.

Taking your time is the key word this season...

autumn alpes mancelles

Imagine yourself with us for a brief moment in the cowshed among the cows and their calves.smell of hay and imagine the Young calves drinking from their mother. Time has stopped!

So don't wait any longer to come and recharge your batteries and enjoy the magic of autumn in one of our gîtes in the Alpes Mancelles!

If you would like to make a reservation, please send an e-mail to mail or call me at !

See you soon Agathe