At Saint Léonard des Bois, the horses come down to the Domaine du Gasseau to make people happy all summer long.
Young and old alike can take to the footpaths along the banks of the Sarthe.
Sometimes the cavalry even travel on our country roads, rubbing shoulders with village or rural civilisation.
In Saint-Léonard-des-Bois too, it's a month packed with exhibitions and events to commemorate the centenary of the Le Mans 24 Hours. Georges Durand, born in France's favourite village in 2021, is being honoured as the creator of the 24-hour races!
The village is on show! Photos of Formula 1 racing cars and drivers are all over the village. An anniversary weekend is planned for 24 and 25 June 2023. Big cars with big horses under the bonnet will be present and will be driven by former drivers.
Finally, in the fields, it's time for the horses too. High-performance, impressive horses that make children's eyes sparkle. Horses that are sometimes dressed in orange, blue or red. Here they're green! Normal for organic farmers, hahaha!
They are skilful, useful, practical and save us a lot of trouble. They are pampered, especially by Dimitri and Cyprien, who make them shine at every outing.
From June to September, the horses are put through their paces at harvest time.
June is grass-cutting season. The grass is either wrapped in plastic, green or pink balls. This is known as wrapping. This harvesting method keeps the grass slightly moist, and I call it the cows' chocolate because they love it. Or the grass is harvested dry and used as hay to feed all our cattle in winter.
The horses under the bonnets of our tractors are hot and dusty. That's why we look after them every day, taking care to give them something to drink and dusting them off... Because, like a Formula 1 car, they can catch fire or, like horses, they can become dehydrated.
So why not come and see all these horses soon. They always amaze. They impress as much by their physique as by their sound, by their gait as by their activity, and maybe you'll be lucky! Would you like to go for a ride?
If you would like to make a reservation, please send an e-mail to mail or call me at !
See you soon Agathe