Goodbye 2022, hello 2023!
May this New Year bring you all good mental and physical health. May it enable you to enjoy life to the full, and may it take you to the Alpes Mancelles and above all to Saint Léonard des Bois, where some very active and dedicated people do their utmost to ensure that this village comes alive throughout the year. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank them all.
Here are a few dates to help you organise your stay at gites la Rousselière, Le Douet Moreau or Le Boulay.
This list is far from complete.
Added to this are all the exhibitions (all year round) and all the free concert afternoons on Sundays in July and August at the Domaine du Gasseau, the market in the church square in the summer and all the activities that take place throughout the year.
So there's nothing to be bored about, is there? And I'm not even going to mention the events in the neighbouring towns, which are also doing their utmost to make the Alpes Mancelles a top holiday village destination!
Contact me by mail or book online thanks to the platform. If you have any questions, call me at !
See you soon Agathe